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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

little distractions

I've learned that Im not that good at blogging!! I feel like I've got so much going on with the time I think I get the chance to write something I get interupted...(like just now...Isaiah & Aliyah just ran in tattling on each other...LOL it never fails!!) Ok, so here's the update. In the last week I've had a crown put on my molar, an echocardiogram, chemo class, & a PET/CT scan!! Im anxiously awaiting results of the PET scan to hear that the cancer has NOT spread!!! (Interuption from Aliyah) On Friday the 6th I have a minor surgery to remove some lymphnodes for a biopsy and to get the port for chemo. And then...Chemo begins on Tuesday May 10th at 9:30 am. They say about 5-6 hours. Blah!! (Heres Aliyah...again) 24 hours after each chemo I go in for an injection that helps something with my bone marrow?!?! Im ready to move forward with this whole process, but oh so scared of the "unknowns" I know this is going to be when the kids really can see that mommy is sick. Isaiah whispers in my ear frequently..."Do you still have cancer?" It's so sweet yet so sad. Aliyah has an end of Kindergarten bbq at school and she told me she really wants me to be there, and that its ok if Im bald! (In enters Isaiah!) I know we will all get through this, but what hurts so much is wondering what the kids are thinking/feeling. I know they have great support groups for kids and I am sure they will do fine, but I know they will miss mommy not being up and running around the house all the time. (And yet another interuption, somehow Isaiahs fingers got hit with a ruler...but Austin isnt sure how it happened??) Usually it would be this point where I turn off the computer and try again later...but I am determined to finish this post!!! Anyway, as we put on our helmets and tighten our chin straps to battle this thing head on, please continue to pray for comfort, peace, and strenth! I know many of you pray each day, I can feel it! Thanks to everyone for the cards, flowers, books, food, etc. We all appreciate it very much. Love you all soo much!
Until next time.....4ever in Faith <3

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