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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Hair today....Gone tomorrow

Again, I apologize for so long between posts! When I feel good, I am so busy working and keeping ahead of cleaning and laundry, I just don't take the time to sit down and post. I was mentioning in my last post my hair was slowly coming to an end....on Thursday at 11am, I had to let it all go!!! LOL From Monday to Thursday it changed from coming out in my fingers if Id run my hands through it to being able to pull chunks out from the root. I couldn't do anything with it, so my dear hairdresser (and best friend) met me at her salon with pink balloons and a dozen pink roses for a farewell to my beloved hair!! Mom was there as well with her camera in hand! Some tears were shed not just by us but by other hairdressers and clients of the salon, they were all so supportive showing amazing love and uplifting me with compliments and hugs that it will soon grow back. I have to say it was a pretty big shock, but I was so grateful to see that my head was free of moles, birthmarks, fat rolls, etc!!  I am now in the market for cute hats!  I am still trying to find the right wig....havent found "the one" yet, but I am completely content with hats.  I didnt think I'd like scarves, but have seen some pretty cute ones.  So, I guess I would have to say I am adjusting rather well to my "chrome dome"  Another hurdle on my journey that is now behind me. 

My 2nd Chemo was moved from the 31st to June 1st.  So, Wednesday at 8am I start round 2 of the UCFC.   The good news.....I know what to expect this time.  The bad news.....I know what to expect this time!  Lol  I saw a quote on a preview for a new movie that said, "There is no force on Earth more powerful than the will to live"  I will take this quote through my darkest days of round 2.  I will fight like a girl!!!  I will prove to God that he has the right player in the right position for what he has called me to do! I will strive to be an inspiration to my family & friends, and anyone faced with cancer and the loved ones that support them.  I have the will to live and I WILL be a survivor!! 

I love you all!  Fierce Faith

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