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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Crappy Chemo #3

4:38 am! 4hours 32 minutes 27 seconds (but who's counting) until round 3! The last week has been great, I've felt good, energy level is up! Its amazing how that 1 great week totally prepares your mind to go in and do it all again. Not to mention my least fav side effect, (but maybe theres more to it than we know) is "chemo brain" I know I just simply forget those 4-7 crappy days! You women with kids can relate when you were pregnant...its like you're only functioning with half a brain! (For men..its like your every day life!) Haha, totally kidding! This is where a sense of humor and ALOT of grace from my friends and family is soooo important!! Funny story for ya: Mom meets me up at Chee Chees to pick out my wig, when we leave my car won't start. So, I get out the jumper cables...imagine if you will....sweet little nanny (who's knowledge of cars is that it gets her to the mall for shopping, lol!) Although she's assisted in more than a handful of these jumpings...all with my car! & then you got me...mush brain.... so, everythings hooked up, we start the cars, yiiipppe, it worked! We disconnect the jumper cables, I go to put my hood down...and the few working brain cells say " make sure you have your keys before you close the hood" Im rubbing my pockets, looking to see if I set them near the Im in a panic!! No sooner do the words come out of my mouth, "I can't find my keys!" That I look at mom and realize my car is running!! Hahaha! I suppose that could have had a more severe outcome than it did! Lol So, if any of you have been waiting for God to reveal something to you, or answer a prayer...give him some time...he's been workin overtime with me lately! Lol The real scary thing is that I then get behind the wheel and drive down the same streets many of you are driving on!! So, watch out for 16 year olds, and chemo patients!! Lol

Ok...So here we go #3...the halfway point! Its so hard to believe its only been 2 1/2 months since the life changing news! It feels like an eternity, yet so much has happened so fast! I will never be happy that I had cancer, but I will ALWAYS be greatful for how it changed my life; how close it has brought my family, the blessings Ive received, the strength I've been given, the fears Ive been faced with...and overcome! The opportunity to see through hurting eyes! So many many things that have changed me and who I am and how I think and how I look at others, FOREVER. Life is precious, you never know what will happen each day as if it were your last...Love! Laugh! Hug! Say I'm sorry! Say I love you! Say Thank you! Appreciate what you've been given! No regrets!! Love you all!
~Fierce Faith~

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