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Monday, November 21, 2011

Fierce Faith

By definition faith is....complete trust or confidence in something or someone. To me that means complete trust and confidence that God and the wonderful advancements in medicine has rid my body completely of cancer.  That I can live my life worry free.....That cancer will NOT ever return.  I have learned on this journey the true meaning of faith.  To "have faith"  is not always the easiest thing to do!  It is not just a feeling you have, or something that is just there.  It is actually an action word....something you have to think about and work on all the time.  Its something you have to yourself.  It is something that you have to constantly work for.  When I first decided to blog my cancer journey I thought of  many many names that were already literally took me days.  I truly believe that the title of my blog...."Fierce Faith"  was no accident in Gods plan.....this too was going to be part of my test.  What I thought was faith back on April 5th, was just a fraction of the faith I have now.  Fierce faith is now a part of my life that I will never ever let go of.....I will never let the fact that I had cancer define me as a person....but who I became along the way and the fierce faith that I had to cling to will always be a part of who I am today. 

I had people make bracelets, tshirts, walk in relays, create a team in my honor.......all of which carried out my "FIERCE FAITH" mission!!  Im truly blessed and honored to have such amazing people in my life.  Some of which I'd never even met that knew my story & someone from my family and chose to support my journey! 

God Bless you all & Thank you for your amazing support!!

~Fierce Faith~

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